I'm conflicted on the legalization of prostitution so I I'd like you guys opinion on this.

One one hand I morally oppose it as I've met hoes personally and they're broken, chaotic people who noone should be paying $$.

On the other hand modern dating is prostitution with extra steps and modern marriage is WORST than prostitution.


@basedbagel Making prostitution illegal just drives it underground, making it way worse, however, it still necessary to keep them in check, otherwise lots of woman will just flock to it and ruin their lives. Back in the old days, women were kept under control thanks to patriarchy, but right now it's just not possible that way.
Ironically, in the US, prostitution is illegal and yet lots of women still have the body count of prostitutes.
I think real the problem is larger than prostitution.


>the problem is larger than prostitution.

Oh I agree it's much larger.

IMO since we've already gone full retard legalizing prostitution would help guys avoid and and all women who play games w/ men would come to an end.

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