@Justicar @VooDooMedic don't start toying with my emotions, I already have a pair of smurfs hanging off my crotch single 07 and 30 October.

@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey again on behalf of the beaner community, we apologize to the descendants of the goosestepping people. Goddamn were we off, y'all called it pretty good.

@DicusMaximus if he said this on stream, can't wait to catch up.

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Embudo boosted

@sardonicsmile he may be heeb adjacent, but there is a possibility of a silver lining.

@RoninGrey @VooDooMedic Jesus H Christ on a Popsicle stick, is there anything they don't have their fingers on? I'm going to have to check on my walls to see if I can hear Yiddish.

@VooDooMedic 2/2 for there to be one, but at that time the German people were almost off of the farming culture. The tactics worked because they applied it in accordance with the culture, not just the adversaries.

Right now, we're in hell in comparison to those times, our morale hasn't improved. Therefore, the beatings must continue. The important part right now is that everything must be annotated, as we know details from that time is very scant.

If they have a book of grudges, so must we.

@VooDooMedic I work on aircraft. If I have to put a but on, I use a wrench. But then I have to have it to torque, so I need a socket. But now that it has to be secured, because the nut comes with eyelets, I don't even need a wrench or socket, I need my wire safety plyers and some wires.

It's not that it won't work, it's what results do you want. But I will agree, the problems are the heebs.

I can respect the desire for white people to have an ethnostate, it's in my interest as a beaner 1/2

@shortstories I got sunburn at this point, might as well be laid out on the sun. Still, disappointment that Trump still lives. Fucking alphabet agencies on a budget with DEI guidelines, god damn clown world shit.

Huawei, BYD and E-Link show interest in investing more in Peru, expanding operations. Is this a good thing? Is Peru finally getting the factories it wanted since the deal with Soviet Russia "fell through" in the 70s?

@Tfmonkey MSM reports F-16s en route to Ukraine, from Denmark and Netherlands?

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