
Americans say that living in a police state today is better than having freedom that might lead to tyranny.

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I saw someone post that the fediverse, threads and bluesky is capable of handling all the traffic on X plus their own. I laughed and told the person that they vastly underestimate the amount of people who want freedom vs those who don't.

So... I think those who think that living in a police state is better than having freedom, is the minority who calls for censorship when their feelings get hurt, they are in the minority.


OMG talk about brainwashed.

I wonder, with a communist brainwashing of that level. Can they ever be free in their mind again?

They rather have Tyranny now than risk getting Tyranny in the future...

This is like a bad joke. How dumb are they? Are they so dumb that they don't understand what a police state is?

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