
If you have been trying to spread freedom for years you now realize that you have done too little, too late.

We are in the final days.

Anyone who loves freedom will be dead in a year.

Everything looks really bad now.

If you run for the woods today then you might look like a fool, but if you wait then you'll end up in the concentration camps.

History always ends the same way.

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I don’t have that much confidence in them. I think we’re going to starve to death.
@freepatriot bro youre way too black pilled

speaking of history
did the world end forever after rome fell?
@evillarry @freepatriot so doesn't it make sense that now more than ever men need to hold fast if rome is being sacked

its occurred to me that the retards and degenerates and losers are the bread and circus of life for the worthy people who are tasked with seeing the light of civilization doesn't go out

@freepatriot or…dont run stand and fight. Trust me the “woods/grid” isnt going to be as easy as everyone thinks

No one is up to off grid survival unless they are already prepared well. Felling, splitting and hauling trees for heat is going to be a new experience for most people.
@freepatriot I tried to spread freedom on my morning toast but I didn't let the freedom warm up first so it just sort of stuck to the knife. That's when I knew America was over, man.
@freepatriot >concentration camps

My region is too cold for soccer fields and swimming pools. But a theater would be nice.
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