
Americans think everything is just fine, but the USA is facing WWIII, Civil War II, and the Great Depression 2.0.

Americans don't seem to realize that even if the patriots win and restore the Bill of Rights, NSA infrastructure will never be dismantled and surveillance camera technology will never be lost.

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that’s why there are a lot of former libertarians among the authoritarian right. the world of freedom is forever gone. we have to impose our moral values on people that would send drag queens to our kids’ school if we dont.

@freepatriot true but, if we start to jail those who have fucked us over at the top it might send a message this isnt a marvel movie or a James Bond flick, you’re going to get punished. No more two tier justice system

A good old fashion drag our leaders out of the halls of congress and either publically flog, jail or publically execute depending on the severity of the crimes would send a nice message that were no longer fucking around.
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