@freepatriot Not to be a porn advocate but how does this deport illegal immigrants or fix elections?
The problem is that SCOTUS has already defined obscenity, and while it can exist, it's largely a local issue — "contemporary community standards."

> To be considered obscene, material must (1) have a dominant theme in the work considered as a whole that appeals to prurient interest, (2) be patently offensive because it goes beyond contemporary community standards, and (3) be utterly without redeeming social value.
Round up the Jewish pornongraphers and financers and the porn problem would vanish.
@freepatriot It fails to address the real issue, is presumably based on religiosity, and therefore is going to fail before it even gets off the ground and every sex addicted shitlib is going to hold the case up as a rallying point for the next decade.
@Remi @freepatriot This is one of my many issue with the religious right, there's plenty of secular/pragmatic arguments against shit like faggotry and porn for example, but they never used them and thusly lost (IMO as they were intended too as controlled op)
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