
My cardiac surgeon that cut me open, stopped my heart, cut parts out and replaced the aortic valve and part of the ascending aorta was from India. I selected him based on his reputation and success record. I made a wise choice.

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@[email protected] @[email protected]

So much d-space trolling about
#INDIA IS A POOPOO COUNTRY!!! JEET MAN TOO STUPID FOR #TOILET!!! And we oversimply and ignore how caste works in India

because that might shine too critical a light on
#capitalism and class hierarchy

@freepatriot No problem - just go to India for that, next time.


You're just saying that to Curry favor with him😂

Seriously, hope you are doing better.

Indians are said to lie a lot about their accomplishments. If a person's reputation is going to be the reason you select them over others then make sure to verify their claims and reputation are actually accurate.
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