
Americans are completely retarded now.

You know that you live in the Twilight Zone when Americans look you in the eye and say only Canadians will have to pay higher prices when the Oklahoma government raises sales taxes on Molson beer.

If I had a dollar for every time an American said that, well....
@Humpleupagus @freepatriot @ins0mniak not sure if your being ironic but ive had legit this conversation with trump voting coworkers. Thevsadest thing ive seen is they all seem to be clinging to the hope that trumps going to save them from everything bad in their lifes. I worry of the day they realize he cant help them because its all the choices they madein the past that put them in this position like student loans for horseshit degrees, underwater mortgages, inflation and a stock market crash whiping out retirements and investment vehicles, loans vehicle mortgages (described as 8 year or more car loans), inflation withering away their purchasing power and being rent burdened to the point of eviction. He cant help any of that thats all the reality of the risk associated with those financial choices that those bearers couldnt seein the moment of the market frenzy. I worry when they lose hope cause they really believe that retardation
I was talking about the Molson beer tax, sir.
@Humpleupagus @freepatriot @ins0mniak thats it tine for another schitzo post this is horseshit im glad i live in the boonies in a camper with my dog
@Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @freepatriot i don't owe money to anyone. Its the best feeling ever. People just can't live with in their means sometimes bro.
@ins0mniak @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @freepatriot
Being debt free is very liberating, it's like saying nigger on the internet.
@dj @Soy_Magnus @Humpleupagus @freepatriot Yeah man.

I laugh at those clowns that think having a big house and range rover makes them higher level people.
@Humpleupagus @freepatriot @ins0mniak yeah. Bought my place only with savings. Nothing owned to anyone. Just have to pay for electricity and 70 dollars monthly community a month. It's the best feeling in world. It's like something you aren't supposed to do, use savings. Like cheating
@11112011 @Humpleupagus @dj @freepatriot @ins0mniak I spend all my time here. I actually don’t use the apartment. I come from beach right underneath and take a shower, grab a Dr Pepper put on a record
@11112011 @Humpleupagus @dj @freepatriot @ins0mniak if you want well here you need to be in countryside. All you got here is company water unless you are lucky enough to own a countryside place. My aunt owns one
@11112011 @Humpleupagus @dj @freepatriot @ins0mniak Yes it goes to my bank account, The apartment. The internet, electricity. But here in this house I don't pay for anything. MY uncle pays everything here in exchange for my mother taking care of him. He lives in second store. It's a tree store house
@11112011 @Humpleupagus @dj @freepatriot @ins0mniak everyone used to have wells here. It used to a farming fisherman village. But that changed in 50s
@BasedLunatic @Humpleupagus @dj @freepatriot @ins0mniak same here lots of ppl havefree water from a net of old wells and its way better than company
>If I had a dollar for every time an American said that, well....

I'd be trillion dollars in debt.
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