Myself and others already expected more businesses to close there. That's what the left does to businesses. Over regulation, increased taxation, increased costs to the people, more for those at the top, loopholes for the few, keeping more reliant on the state.
The biggest cost of any company is payroll and benefits. That's the truth of the matter. Where you're getting all that other shit from, I have no clue.
You opened mouth without doing research like a leftist. Then you posted some other crap to me in return that made no sense whatsoever. All hallmarks of a leftist.
Americans scream tyranny is wonderful, but Americans are unable to explain why Cubans try to escape even though Cuba has gun control and free medical care.
Not a leftist here. A minimum pay raise at the Federal level wouldn't make much of a difference as in most states people make more the that. Minimum wage is for beginners anyhow, but employers use it to stifle wages for the rest of us.
For the companies that did reduce staff or bring in automation, that's partially because those states raised the minimum too much and the economy is already souring and has been for over a year no matter what the government or media or economists say.
You are a leftist. You're spewing propaganda. Behavior will always = ideology.
@freepatriot Even if the government is shutdown per se over a week or two, doesn't make much of a difference. Most people I know don't support Congress getting a raise, they pay out less out of their pockets than the vast majority of us do.
@freepatriot Currently that's true of most, and reflected back in how things are.
I tried to warn everyone ahead of time about Biden, because I watched and listened to him for over 50+ years. When people started to complain in late 2022, I started saying " got what you voted for."
It would hurt our economy and small businesses. Already as it is, Walmart killed cashier positions, so did Target. Safeway followed suit. So did CVS and McDonald's. Have you seen the menu prices? At one time $20 fed 2 people, now it barely feeds one.
Typical leftist, you have no idea how the economy works. After California raised their minimum wage, that's when things really started to fall apart for them. And the exodus sped up.
@freepatriot Wages are already higher for the vast majority. A Federal increase wouldn't hurt today and would benefit the handful left out. Shouldn't be done all at once, should be spread out and a tiered approach because a 50 year old has more experience and knowledge than a 40, 30, 25, 19 or 16 year old.