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Defending the government just gets tougher everyday.

You know that you live in hell when you're the only one who loves freedom and everyone else is a Nazi or a Commie.

The elites say that vaccines will help you live forever, but who wants to live in a police state?

Be as snarky and disrespectful to all FAKE authority figures, moving forward.

@breaker @shortstories @freepatriot Technically, they were traitors and rebellious British subjects.

Washington served as an officer for the red coats during the 7 years war.

Be as snarky and disrespectful to all FAKE authority figures, moving forward.

So, the founding fathers weren't Americans? You stupid fuck.

Benjamin Franklin, and Even George Washington, were part of this church, just to name two, you really need to do your research.

That's why the First Amendment was written into the Constitution. When they left England, they were Catholic, the crown, Queen Elizabeth the First I believe turned them Catholic for the final time.

More protestant than catholic, the Founding fathers fled to America.


Why should Americans go fight for freedom in Iran when Americans don't have freedom in the USA?

Why should Americans go fight for freedom in Iran when Americans don't have freedom in the USA?

@freepatriot also he got a cool pardon for the Iran contra affair and Ollie north got a news show.

@breaker @freepatriot

Anglican's are not Americans they are British loyalists with a Church that worships the British monarchy

Episcopal's are just Anglican's who couldn't trace their hierarchy to the British monarchy directly because they were living overseas so they had to create a new arbitrary hierarchy in order to copy Anglicanism as much as they could while living overseas

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