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The sad truth of classical liberalism is it brought us to a point where we get to pick what kind of authoritarianism we are going to have. It was unstable from the start. Also, communism is the worse choice.

@freepatriot its EVERY police department doing this. Asset Forfeiture should be outlawed and any cop who has done this fired and liable for damages personally

Americans used to hate criminals and the homeless, but now every American is a criminal and soon every American will be homeless.

Defending the government just gets tougher everyday.

You know that you live in hell when you're the only one who loves freedom and everyone else is a Nazi or a Commie.

The elites say that vaccines will help you live forever, but who wants to live in a police state?

Be as snarky and disrespectful to all FAKE authority figures, moving forward.

@breaker @shortstories @freepatriot Technically, they were traitors and rebellious British subjects.

Washington served as an officer for the red coats during the 7 years war.

Be as snarky and disrespectful to all FAKE authority figures, moving forward.

So, the founding fathers weren't Americans? You stupid fuck.

Benjamin Franklin, and Even George Washington, were part of this church, just to name two, you really need to do your research.

That's why the First Amendment was written into the Constitution. When they left England, they were Catholic, the crown, Queen Elizabeth the First I believe turned them Catholic for the final time.

More protestant than catholic, the Founding fathers fled to America.


Why should Americans go fight for freedom in Iran when Americans don't have freedom in the USA?

Why should Americans go fight for freedom in Iran when Americans don't have freedom in the USA?

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