@dictatordave @freepatriot @Wtdrisco @Escoffier
I agree, a lot of communists and socialists seem to be driven by envy and spite, and not out of any higher moral feelings.
My favourite example of this goes like this:
Socialist: Taxes are so great, we help everyone!
Me: Ok, but there's nothing stopping you from paying taxes if you like, and me, as a libertarian, to not pay taxes. We would both be happy. You helping people, and me, helping people through my business and the services I
@dictatordave @freepatriot @Wtdrisco @Escoffier provide.
Socialist: No! It's unfair! If I pay taxes, you have to pay taxes too!
Me: But didn't you just say that you do it to help people? Would you, just because it is unfair, rather _not_ help people? Doesn't that mean that for you, it is _more important_ that people have equal outcomes, than actually helping them?
Socialist: You capitalist pig, you know what I mean!
Me: I do not know what you mean.
@dictatordave @freepatriot @Wtdrisco @Escoffier
Socialist: But if everyone doesn't pay, it's not fair!
Me: Yes, but if I don't pay, and you don't pay, it means you actually do not care about helping people. If that would be the most important goal, wouldn't you pay anyway?
Socialist: But it's unfair and unrealistic.
and on and on it goes.
@dictatordave @freepatriot @Wtdrisco @Escoffier
_Ideally_ I'd have socialists "re-educated" and become productive members in the market place.
Killing them right away is a waste of potential creative resources.