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Americans are completely retarded now.

You know that you live in the Twilight Zone when Americans say white people are exempt from the police state.

@freepatriot I've always said law enforcement fails at a steady rate with the declining empire

I would say Argentina is where you could truly have the Libertarian Dream of building a country into something prosperous.

I would say Argentina is where you could truly have the Libertarian Dream of building a country into something prosperous.

@HarryNuggets @freepatriot
I could also live frugallly with an extra $2-5k a month in addition to having 3-6 incomes in a single house.

I have great trouble doing things I used to enjoy doing. I always put off simple chores, too. A
voice tells me that it
just doesn't matter anymore

Gates now admitting Covid was just the flu.

The power of choice. You have it. But you forfeit it when you imagine that you can choose for others. You can't. But you can choose for yourself.

Maybe no one trust cops anymore because the Stasi have decided to work for the elites now instead of respecting the Bill of Rights.

Gates now admitting Covid was just the flu.

Maybe no one trust cops anymore because the Stasi have decided to work for the elites now instead of respecting the Bill of Rights.

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