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Future generations will ask why Americans didn't resist when the US became a police state.

@freepatriot Considering their hasn't been a ((( War ))) to "FREE"
North Korea

should say a lot

Americans used to ridicule the Chinese for being too weak to resist tyranny, but now Americans have found out that they are cowards, too.

Americans scream globalism is wonderful because there would be free trade, no borders, and no wars, but actually globalism means that the world would be run by a few elites and you couldn't escape high taxes or draconian laws.

Nothing glows brighter than @freepatriot with his boomer memes from Facebook. Hey grandpa go die for Israel

@freepatriot I realized this when no cops in Uvalde got shot by the parents. Not even after the fact for revenge.

People will let their own children die instead of going GTA on cops.

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