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I don’t have that much confidence in them. I think we’re going to starve to death.

If you have been trying to spread freedom for years you now realize that you have done too little, too late.

We are in the final days.

Anyone who loves freedom will be dead in a year.

Everything looks really bad now.

If you run for the woods today then you might look like a fool, but if you wait then you'll end up in the concentration camps.

History always ends the same way.

@realman543 @freepatriot @Zergling_man zerg has arkane and unknown knowleges beyond our comprehension. He has a cool pirate ship and steals shit too
@Soy_Magnus @freepatriot @Zergling_man Pretty sure it's a riff on the meme with the principal pulling the kids into his office.
@realman543 @freepatriot i dont understand this commic but i love it. Sorry i gotta pull in the big guns @Zergling_man i know its droll and uncouth but u got a tl here¿
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