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Weed is banned because potheads are the most insufferable drug addict. At least fent addicts kill themselves, meth hears are thin, and alcoholics keep Americas blue collar work force running.
Potheads really do make weed their entire personality dont they?
And meth addicts don't use meth shampoo or meth toothpaste, they don't wear meth clothes, and I don't have to hear about George Washington's meth lab. 😒
I know this one is a strech because they would have to leave their couch. But what would a pothead, pilot, vegan, who does crossfit start a conversation with?
I mean they need toothpaste, but not teethpaste 😏
@Dudebro @Humpleupagus @breaker @freepatriot they would just come out of the gate with it all at once, and i'd walk away.

You know Americans have completely lost their minds when Americans look you in the eye and say the only possible reason smoking was banned is because Musk builds spaceships.

You don't understand Hump man. Wait until I finish building this new hemp car. It runs on resin and you can use it as a bong


You do KNOW that 4:20 means NOTHING, right. The kids who started it just said it was the meeting time, nothing else. LMAO

@Humpleupagus @freepatriot @Dudebro

I think it's banned because they're TRYING to hide how stupid shit skins really are until it's go time. And because then they can have retarded dog whistles, like 4/20, take from something meaningful.

You know Americans have completely lost their minds when Americans look you in the eye and say the only possible reason smoking was banned is because Musk builds spaceships.

Right, but it's Uncle A's bday, & for that someone should hang.

Americans say marijuana is banned to help the alcohol industry, but maybe the real reason weed is banned is to boost the private prison industry.


I think it's banned because it is a hallucinogen, also to make people want to smoke weed more.

If the people are complacent, the easier it is to take the country over, no?

Those must be fantastic if the FDA is banning them.
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