@zeke @JooKuxKlan @freepatriot @Captain80s @eriner @BowsacNoodle @GhostLiberator @HarryNuggets > ...resurrecting the old Gods...
No need. They're alive and well. In fact they invented the concept of resurrection. Your superstition (like Pakleds from Star Trek) just made an inferior copy that you don't even understand in it's proper context.
> Pick one. You can't have it both ways numbnutz.
> my God is anything but Jewish
🤣 He's literally Yahweh (aka: Yaldabaoth), the God of the Jews, aka: Jesus, the King of the Jews... Although this would be news to you, the actual theology of your traditions is just plagiarised NeoPlatonism and Hermeticism that's been contorted out of context to backwards rationalise the Jewish fairy tale.