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BBC News said the Arctic would be ice-free by 2013.

@zeke @JooKuxKlan @freepatriot @Captain80s @eriner @BowsacNoodle @GhostLiberator @HarryNuggets

You're just mad because you got outed as a Jew worshipper who also hates Jews, and can't reconcile the cognitive dissonance. So it's easier to lash out at the person pointing it out than to look in the mirror and cry like the bigoted delusional little twat that you are.

Wah wah waaaaah...

But you can also just go back to whining to your equally deluded girlfriends on here and maybe y'all can publicly stroke each other's penises and recite tracts from your Jewish fairy tale until you feel better.

Collapse oddly gives some people hope.

Rich Americans in 1995 might have felt depressed because life couldn't have been better.

Now Libertarians might feel that they have a reason to live because all the dangers of debt, war, and tyranny Libertarians warned about are coming true.

Somebody must lead the way, fight the revolution, and restore the world.

@[email protected] @[email protected]

So much d-space trolling about
#INDIA IS A POOPOO COUNTRY!!! JEET MAN TOO STUPID FOR #TOILET!!! And we oversimply and ignore how caste works in India

because that might shine too critical a light on
#capitalism and class hierarchy

STFU mystery meat fag.

You retards are fucking tiresome. Go be a butthurt brownoid somewhere else.

My cardiac surgeon that cut me open, stopped my heart, cut parts out and replaced the aortic valve and part of the ascending aorta was from India. I selected him based on his reputation and success record. I made a wise choice.

My cardiac surgeon that cut me open, stopped my heart, cut parts out and replaced the aortic valve and part of the ascending aorta was from India. I selected him based on his reputation and success record. I made a wise choice.

@toiletpaper @freepatriot @JooKuxKlan @Captain80s @zeke @eriner @BowsacNoodle @GhostLiberator @HarryNuggets

Ahh to that, that his sidekick Jesus was jewish too.

But fear not! I have discussed this with a nazi once, and apparently the equation can be solved, since god has purged Jesus of his jewishness! 😘

@h4890 @freepatriot @JooKuxKlan @Captain80s @zeke @eriner @BowsacNoodle @GhostLiberator @HarryNuggets

Since the "Jewish" God purged Jesus/himself of his Jewishness ... presumably by renaming him from Joshua to a variation on the name of Ieso daughter of Aesculapius...
Good luck resurrecting the old Gods that no one but larping retards give a shit about. The dead Gods... and who killed them?

Oh, that's right, it was us Christ cucks wasn't it? So, are we a bunch of weak, deluded pussies? Or are we the conquerors who brought your ancestors to heel? Pick one. You can't have it both ways numbnutz.

And my God is anything but Jewish, not in the modern sense anyway.
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