Collapse oddly gives some people hope.
Rich Americans in 1995 might have felt depressed because life couldn't have been better.
Now Libertarians might feel that they have a reason to live because all the dangers of debt, war, and tyranny Libertarians warned about are coming true.
Somebody must lead the way, fight the revolution, and restore the world.
@[email protected] @[email protected]
So much d-space trolling about #INDIA IS A POOPOO COUNTRY!!! JEET MAN TOO STUPID FOR #TOILET!!! And we oversimply and ignore how caste works in India
because that might shine too critical a light on #capitalism and class hierarchy
@toiletpaper @freepatriot @JooKuxKlan @Captain80s @zeke @eriner @BowsacNoodle @GhostLiberator @HarryNuggets
Ahh to that, that his sidekick Jesus was jewish too.
But fear not! I have discussed this with a nazi once, and apparently the equation can be solved, since god has purged Jesus of his jewishness! 😘