@Tfmonkey i guess time will tell, it's not only his wife though, not-gay-jared, owen benjamin, there's plenty of people that said he was gay long before his wife begin to divorce him.

@Tfmonkey you yourself said he seems gay, maybe go watch a clip of him to remind yourself. that's the first thought that comes to mind while watching him.

Crowder is more than a little fruity. So it isn't outside of the possibility, and gays usually don't kill themselves. the gays i know are pretty tough, most of them have been raped when they were young, and that's why they are gay, as a coping mechanism, so if he's gay, i don't think he will off himself. That's why i asked if it changes anything in your scenario.

@Tfmonkey @max_Y_mum is Crowder being homosexual (according to his wife) changes anything in your scenario?

@dander Crowder's home footage his wife has been leaking to squeeze out more money out of him. Classic divorce stuff.

Turd Flinging Monkey @Tfmonkey I'm surprised you're so on Crowder's side. Don't you remember how aggressive he has gone after MGTOWs? He thought he was a special snowflake smarter and better than all the men who tried their best and still got fucked over. Fuck him. He got what he deserved. Now he will forever be known as an "emotional abuser"
whatever the fuck that means...

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