@houseoftolstoy Do you think they are trying to end the war? Or do you think they are trying to collapse EU economy?

@redmaple Who do you mean by "they?" Russia? I think they are just pushing for any advantage they can get and look for whatever winning outcome comes based on the response. They hold all the cards, given they have the gas supply. Perhaps they want certain outcomes more than others, but in most cases they get something they want.

If you are speaking about NATO, no, they are not trying to end the war, and maybe they are trying to collapse the EU economy.

@houseoftolstoy By "they", I meant the EU/NATO. Precisely, the people coming up with the rules to cap Russia energy prices.

From the article:
Under those sanctions, a price cap on Russian crude oil would go into effect on Dec. 5 and a price cap on refined petroleum products would begin on Feb. 5, 2023.

Those dates suggest no rush.

I can't see any other reasons for this besides crashing the economy and terrorizing the population. But I'm open to suggestions.


@redmaple And I have no counter to that theory. At best they are genuinely stupid and think they can actually do this plan without any bad consequences. For some politicians, that may be true. But not for those who are higher up in the power structure must deliberately be enacting these plans knowing they will cause the very problems that always come.

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