Seeing soyboys like Adam Davidson get roasted is funny, but it also gave me an idea. Every time I see a libshit like him, I will ask him if he is capable of doing 10 pushups. A low bar, I know, but it serves as a insult and motivator. If they claim they can do 10 pushups, I demand they do it. It will be the most effort they will have done in years, and that toil might spark some desire for self improvement. Which maybd, just maybe will move the needle away from their own faggotry.


I probably will get blocked if I go forward with my plan from Adam Davidson and maybe mastadon social, but that will not matter one bit to me. I have what I want, a template for dealing with others who look like they would struggle to lift an empty barbell off their chest. Get them to have a little more testosterone generated. See? I am beinf helpful.

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