
While I am well aware of all the financial difficulties others are having, I cannot say that struggle applies to myself. At our household, we are doing far better off financially than we have ever been doing. Not because things are going great economically, but rather that my wife and I were determined to get our ducks in a row and get rid of our non-mortgage debt and maintain the rate of surplus every month. So we can currently manage paying more for things such as groceries without fear.

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Times like these do not mean that people should give up on figuring out their finances because they think they do not have a chance, but rather that they now more than ever need to figure out how to manage their money.

This is not to say that this will fix the terrible polices of printing more and more money, but you should do all that you can to make your own situation better. I am also not blaming anyone for struggling at this time. But you should be looking out for your best interests.

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