Fuck me, eggs cost almost 7 dollars for 18 of them. I distinctly remember them being easily half of that.

I can afford them, so that is not the problem. But rather that it is a sign that things are not going well.

@houseoftolstoy ,

That's Why Societies/Countries Need Strong Governments, Oppositions, Political Parties, Journalism/Journalists, Trade Unions, People Power, Watchdogs,

Whom ,Ensure Big Businesses Can't Do Business In Such Countries If They Seek To Make Selfishness Greedy & Advoid Taxes, & Always Backed By Endless Stockholders & Shareholders ,

They Should Save, Invest In Staff/Their Businesses, Trading Partnerships, Pay Living Wages, Pay Taxes, Etc, Pay Shareholders & Stockho


>Strong Governments

No, the government in most cases is the problem. Every fear of corruption that people have from big business is not only more present in government, but worse there. They have the monopoly on force, as I never had to worry about Walmart breaking down my door for any reason.


Most from the establishment/legacy media are either a joke or are just the mouthpiece for the corrupt government that is trying to make us slaves.

· · Web · 1 · 1 · 1

@houseoftolstoy ,

Strong Governments Cannot Exist Until: 99.97% - 99.99% Make It Happen,

Not All Journalists, Journalism, Politicians, Are Biased Or Corrupt,

Yet, Most Ideologies Grow When Governments/Oppositions Are Large, Rather Than When Smaller Coalition Parties Voted 🗳 In Under PR-VOTING Systems, As Means Politicians Have To Compromise Or Win The Debate, & More,

It Still Beats Broken Uk & USA Politics, From Old Propped Up Failed CONservatism Political Parties, Etc, 😞

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