While too many people think they are "above average" when it comes to things like driving a car, I think I can say that I am indeed better than average in at least one way. I know how to drive on icy roads efficiently while being at virtually no risk of an accident. All you need is to understand the concepts of acceleration and leaving a lot of space ahead of you for other drivers, and you can drive a lot faster than you think. Then you can drive in those conditions without a snails pace.


I know that my car was technically less capable of driving on icy roads versus an SUV, but still I managed to pass a lot of trucks and SUVs in spite of this fact. Because once you understand that as long as you do not speed up, slow down, turn, or change lanes too fast, you are far less limited than you think when driving on ice. Therefore, me having this knowledge and being able to apply it makes me a better driver than the vast majority of people in icy conditions.

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