I have often wondered how I have been strangely immune to ever having to deal with a truly toxic women in relationships. I speculate that it has to do with my Asperger's. Not because of any ability on my end conferred with said autism, but rather that I think my autism created protection mechanism that made having a relationship with me far too costly if you were just going to try and use me. Sometimes aspects that are otherwise detriments have positive sides to it.


No, I am not repulsively ugly, nor am I an incel (given that I am married). And I have had women attracted to me (in some cases I did not know about it right away). But if you are going to be disingenuous when it comes to relationships, I don't think my brand of autism is going to be very appealing to deal with. I am going to be far more than those women bargained for. Might not be true for other autists, but I think it might be for me.

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@houseoftolstoy If only my sister was sane, then I would also have no toxic relationships other than with liqour
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