@WashedOutGundamPilot The part where boomers factor in dealing with 4chan turns this from believable to fan fiction. Even now most boomers have no idea what the fuck 4chan is.

@KG_Analytical_Dynamics_LLC @WashedOutGundamPilot Have you seen some of the posts that came out around the start of Russia going into Ukraine? Full force shilling that was so obviously fake and gay that it was most certainly astroturfed. /pol/ became unusable.

Sure, it might not have been boomers actually making the posts, but they were giving the orders to do so and were telling the lackeys what messages to send.

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@houseoftolstoy @WashedOutGundamPilot It's possible its a psyop. Although I've seen some stunningly bad takes from /pol/ long before the Ukraine shit. So a big wave of idiocy there doesn't immediately raise my suspicions. I don't buy that taking the hill known as 4chan is a major strategic concern to boomers. I'd believe they'd strategize a lot more on controlling the narrative on normie social media.

@KG_Analytical_Dynamics_LLC @houseoftolstoy This post has to be understood as coming from layer after layer of bureaucrat, journo, and middle management roastie, so it’s gonna be significantly embellished and spiced up to make them feel like they’re in a mooooooovie.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @houseoftolstoy Would one of these NPCs even be allowed in on something like this? The people you're describing seem more like a liability than a part of the scam. I'd assume these jerkoffs are the ones bringing the shot callers their coffee and then told to get the fuck out before something sensitive gets discussed.

@KG_Analytical_Dynamics_LLC @houseoftolstoy I said upthread that this is how they sell a recruitment push to these media faggots. Make them think they’re part of a war effort, make them feel special and involved in some great work, when all you really want to do is ensure you have enough bodies in the pipeline to keep the military complex from crumbling down.

Lots of jobs depend on the military running as usual, hard to do when you’re incurring a net personnel loss of 10 to 30% per year without replacement

@WashedOutGundamPilot @KG_Analytical_Dynamics_LLC Don't think this is going to be limited to 4chan or other boards. We are going to see it on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, you name it. We already know that Reddit is astroturfed to hell, and the feds were in violation of the 1st Amendment by using a "private company" as a shield for their actions.

So I don't think they target 4chan because it is special, but because they are trying to spread out EVERYWHERE.

@KG_Analytical_Dynamics_LLC @WashedOutGundamPilot Bad quality screenshot, but here is something fascinating. This was submitted as evidence in a court, and look at the (You)s. The feds are this incompetent and stupid, and they are on the boards.

@houseoftolstoy @KG_Analytical_Dynamics_LLC Yeah, I’ve read that thread and it’s great to see how off-tone they are.

There was one recently where they said “how the fuck do you people always know when somebody’s jewish!??!?!?!?“, that was kekleworthy too

@WashedOutGundamPilot @KG_Analytical_Dynamics_LLC Posts like these might be LARPs, would not be surprised if this one is too. But we know that they are on the chans, trying (and failing) to push the approved narratives of the Cathedral.

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