What is really odd about accusing older men (30-40s) of being pedophiles if they want to pursue women in their 20s is that we already have ripe targets to go after if these (mostly) bitter older women were really against pedophilia. We have people trying to normalize sex with children, and you would think these people would be furious about this. But like so many things, their statements are simply self serving, as they are not raising many objections with the actual child grooming epidemic.


On another topic, if women in their 20s cannot be trusted to be in a relationship with an older man, why would this suddenly be better if the man was younger? Instead of the current free-for-all fest of women being feral creatures in the dating realm, we should bring back the old fashioned way of having men need to appeal directly to the fathers for permission to court their daughters.

Does this sound patriarchal? That's because it is! And it works far better too!

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