What is really odd about accusing older men (30-40s) of being pedophiles if they want to pursue women in their 20s is that we already have ripe targets to go after if these (mostly) bitter older women were really against pedophilia. We have people trying to normalize sex with children, and you would think these people would be furious about this. But like so many things, their statements are simply self serving, as they are not raising many objections with the actual child grooming epidemic.

@houseoftolstoy lol there are plenty of dtf women in their 30's, they just dont want to fuck you because youre a creepy misogynist

@gusana You assume I want such women. I don't. I am a married man who wants nothing to do with that sort of "lifestyle."

Also, proving the "arguing with holes" point correct.


Its really impressive how circular the logic of that meme is, its clear your hatred of women is rooted in deep insecurity about your intelligence, because you are incredibly stupid

@gusana Circular logic? Do you know the definition of that term? You started with the exact same playbook as described, and are still on that same playbook.

More shaming language: "insecure." Such a womanly term, and most likely projection. And I have yet to meet a woman who made me feel insecure with her intelligence. And you are not impressing me with any intelligence either, using terms you clearly know nothing about hoping that it is the right magic spell to win an argument.


You dipshit, At the bottom of the page it says "I'm a man actually" is something only a women would say, by this reasoning every person who disagrees with you is necessarily a women and therefore inferior, and every dumb idea that crosses your mind is correct by virtue of you being a man, basically the definition of circular logic, so of course you see examples of it everywhere dumbass. Its completely asinine and the fact you take this literally, rather than as a shitpost, shows you lack basic linguistic and critical thinking skills. I would be surprised if you graduated from 5th grade.

The only reason you would take this seriously is

1. You are very stupid and
2. Have a profound inferiority complex

If you never feel insecure (which is obviously a lie lol your entire worldview betrays you are a deeply sad and insecure person) That only means you are a very confident dumbass.

@gusana No you retard, that is not how circular logic works. The "I'm a man actually" is an example of a poor attempt to try and mask the fact that the only "arguments" brought up are shaming language. Exactly what you did.

"Everyone who disagrees with me is a woman" was never said by me. You still go with ad hominems, and bring nothing but shaming language. You are only proving the image more and more true.


@gusana If you are shitposting, fine. Do you realize the vast majority of communication is not present when written?

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