Oh yeah in cse you didn’t know it’s low-status to torrent and use a computer to THOTS, they’ll actually look down on you if you don’t use globohomo, brand-name stuff because it’s cheap.

You can overcome it easy enough, just don’t force them to watch shitty indonesian cam rips of things and mock them for watching shit on netflix like your grandmother


@grey @deprecated_ii @PvtProperty @WashedOutGundamPilot >being short, something that is completely out of your control due to genetics, is a red flag.

Much of the other parts of the list is trash too. Why do women want a man to be an iPhone user so much? They are just asking for the man to be the opposite of a high T man. Not all men who have Apple products are, but being an iFaggot does not scream manliness to me.

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@houseoftolstoy @grey @deprecated_ii @WashedOutGundamPilot Because of how society works women expect men to be both chads with muscles and a nice job and also a retarded shitlib who will let women walk all over him

@houseoftolstoy @grey @deprecated_ii @PvtProperty Because apple is 1) stylish and 2) does a brilliant maneuver that colors all your text bubbles in green if you text them with an android.

is the cherry on top, where all their texts go to their macbook (because what else would they have, they’re so creative on pinterest) so they have a constant loop of reinforcement that causes extra hassle in order to talk to their low-status poor contacts who selfishly insist on using android

And they ARE very particular. I have to keep an iphone JUST to be able to talk to clients via imessage, I busted my last one and within a week I had very picky rich guys saying “what the hell? You STILL haven’t gotten a new one?”

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