
I don't think the vast majority of people who took the vaxx are doomed. A significant percentage already has immediate problems, and many more will probably have additional complications. But I do not think it will mean the death of all.

But even if it is just 1 percent that will have significant problems, it is bad enough. But my guess would be that around 10 percent will have problems, which is certainly a significant number.

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I think it was an interview with Robert Malone, where he mentioned the vaxx issues could be even worse than we know, given how one demographic that was most likely to take the vaxx could be dying suddenly without raising any alarm bells. That is, the elderly. When a 70 year old gets a heart attack, nobody is surprised. Which means that any of them who are getting heart issues due to the vaxx (or rather accelerating any issues) will go well under the radar.

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