
@I_AmTheKnight I think they have the tanks, they just don't want to give them to Ukraine. Even if they would not get destroyed (and they probably would), those are tanks they do not think they can spare.

I see this as a sign of the US supremacy in decline. This will not be an end to other challenges, as Russia and China (and others) would be happy to make sure the US is no longer able and willing to exert their will on the world.

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@houseoftolstoy @I_AmTheKnight Well yes we have tanks aplenty, just not for export. Export tanks have different gear.

@Heil_Honkler @houseoftolstoy we may have the tanks but yeah we’d had to make or buy more tanks to export, that’s why the head of NATO is advocating that western countries need to prepare for a war economy.

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