@DW2 I actually get mad when I hear about guys wasting a woman’s time like that, though this one isn’t quite the norm. Guys who date a girl in a going-nowhere relationship of convenience only to end it at 29 suck. Aimless living is selfish.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @DW2 Often times, these women's idea of focusing on careers and "just having fun" is a failure on their own mother, not encouraging them and/or teaching them the importance of seeking to make a family at the right time.
I've even seen the exact opposite, mothers literally discouraging their daughters from getting children, which makes no fucking sense in my book, but what do you know these days; insanity is wide spread.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Alex1488 @DW2 60 or so years ago a study came out showing that people who went to college earn an additional million dollars over the course of their lives. the lead head boomers decided then and there that everyone MUST go to college because then everyone will earn an extra million dollars. forget that college used to be solely for passionately dedicated hard working people and elites with powerful connections. they thought if your average passionless stoner went to college then he'll magically be able to make a living off his thrasher metal hobby. and since every child is forced to make a ritual sacrifice to the demon gods of college they all have $100,000 in debt and they HAVE to get a job. sorry sweetheart you cant just be a homemaker, you have bills to pay. its satanic and there is no punishment great enough that boomers wouldnt deserve it.

@PapaPole @Alex1488 @DW2 @WashedOutGundamPilot Another part of the whole college meme are the stats they cite that claim "college graduates earn more money than non-college graduates." This is technically true, but completely misleading and irrelevant for the younger generations, as it conflates the numbers from previous decades to the more recent years. The subset of data from recent years shows that college is not worth the cost for most college grads today.


@PapaPole @Alex1488 @DW2 @WashedOutGundamPilot I am quite sick of the whole meme of the "college experience" being something that is considered a necessity (I don't mean the drinking and partying but that is also not worth it). How else can you study a variety of subjects in depth unless you pay 5 to 6 figures in costs! Plus, the campus has it's own ROCK WALL! There is no way to find that outside of college!

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