All these articles are on the front page of military times.

Oh, and they have op eds about how exciting the new Marvel movie is, because that’s military too somehow

Ah, the woman one is boring. “it’s ben XX years since women could blah” in 20 permutations, then whining about how nohting’s built for them still. Very poorly done logic and it’s all coming from a JAG lawyer woman, so….figures

@WashedOutGundamPilot On one hand, I must cringe at how much this woman insists the US military bends over backwards to cater to women in the military.

On the other hand, if our government wants to turn tyrannical, then it is all the better that they have to bullshit around with accommodating a segment of the military force that will ultimately be a liability if they ever want to enforce their tyranny.


@WashedOutGundamPilot Also, this is not exclusive to the military article here, but notice how there are so many demands to accommodate women in the workforce? All with claims to make the workplace better, but it never really translates to more productivity. It just demands more expenses for a far less efficient total workforce. Because men do not need all this extra shit.

Also, since when did the military care about the comfort of the men serving? I am going to guess that would be never.

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