
I recall hearing a segment on NPR about how Medicaid access was going to be rolled back based on Covid rules no longer being in place. One of the concerns was for people who did not speak English very well not understanding things.

If you have a brain in your skull, you should see something very wrong with this picture. That being what are presumably first generation immigrants doing coming here only to be using welfare? Don't tell me we should be importing people who are a drain on the system.

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And no doubt many of these so called "immigrants" or "Americans" are here illegally. Even if we assume that were not the case (and I cannot assume that), how can anyone argue that people are not coming here for welfare when Medicaid is exactly that, and the state-run media (fuck you NPR that is quite true) is lamenting that people who do not know English well enough would be unable to figure out how to deal without. Last I checked, if you are born here, you should have no problem with English.

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