Aging delusional tech thot creates a Google doc, trying to convince simps to marry her (open marriage at that) and fertilize her frozen eggs.

The millions of barren millennial women hitting the wall en masse will be a laughs gold mine, and I can't wait for it
@caekislove @DW2 > Want kids iff it is the impartial best thing to do. Hoping that it is. Enough eggs frozen to have ~5 children (or 90% chance of 3-10 children) after the end of normal fertility.

She's self aware enough to know that she's at the end of the line lmao
@johnbudd1350 @caekislove Doesn't that whole process have a pretty low success rate though?

@DW2 @caekislove @johnbudd1350 It sure does. Just one example with an article here, but it should serve as a warning to women that freezing eggs can end in disaster. And it is expensive as hell.

Funny how women like this think that they should go against biology and save up money only to waste it on something very unlikely to succeed. Plus, you are far better capable of dealing with a baby when you are younger versus when you are older (e.g. managing with less sleep).

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@houseoftolstoy @DW2 @johnbudd1350 On the one hand, I want to laugh in their faces.

On the other hand, I feel sorry for them because they were fooled by a lie. An obvious lie, for sure, but one repeated by their parents, their teachers, TV and all of society.
@houseoftolstoy @DW2 @caekislove @johnbudd1350 I know several broads who tried this. They spent tens of thousands of dollars on implantation and the like - never worked. It's a fucking scam
@KarlDahl @houseoftolstoy @DW2 @johnbudd1350 Makes sense when human cryogenics on adults has a proven success rate of 0%.
@houseoftolstoy @DW2 @caekislove @johnbudd1350 its a good thing that these sort of horrible people have no children

unfortunately they then get all pissy and try to ruin the children of others like they have a right to
@dictatordave @houseoftolstoy @DW2 @johnbudd1350 I'm slightly more sympathetic about this now than I was in April because I've come to realize that while feminists do hate men, their hatred towards us is but a tiny fraction of their hatred towards other women. Feminism, as a political enterprise, has always been about ruining the lives of other women first with hurting men as mostly a side effect.

Imagine giving up your chance for a loving family, a loving spouse, someone to take care of you when you're sick, someone to stand by your bed when you die, all for the prospect of working a meaningless "marketing" job making PowerPoints and fetching coffee, all day. That's the "liberation" feminism offers women.
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