Huh….maybe it’s a real girl, after all.

The fantasy wasn’t to be useless, it was to derive maximum comfort in his limited free time after finishing the day’s labors.

But they never see the work before their eyes, so to girls like her they assume it’s all play


@WashedOutGundamPilot This is why it was so easy to propagandize women into thinking that careers would be amazing and exciting. Only for most of them to find out that they suck and that they hate their job.

In case any women reading this do not know: work sucks! That is why you get paid to do it. In the vast majority of cases, it is not fun. It is a means to an end. Very few are lucky enough to be able to work in a job that they do not feel like they are working.

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@houseoftolstoy I have to wonder how much could have been stopped if the men had just bitched about their day more. I get the idea of “I just lived through this shitfest, why talk it over for someone anew?!?“ but they really do think it’s fun having a career.

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