Having a bit of a think here with the whole Steven Crowder getting divorced. He and his wife were married for a number of years, and the moment they have kids, she divorces him.

One theory is that having children revealed cracks that already existed in the marriage, as having children makes everything more difficult. But it still seems strange that she would not have divorced him sooner.

Side note, having children involved makes divorce far, far worse.

@houseoftolstoy @houseoftolstoy i am very empathetic to the idea that crowder is a particularly unpleasant person to live with. he clearly craves attention. and the rumors that hes a closet gay just feel true. as pro-misogyny as i am i think you do have to acknowledge that the man is the problem sometimes too. something about crowder always just felt off to me.

@PapaPole If it is true that he is unpleasant to live with, that should have been apparent before. Which is why I think that the children coming into play is the biggest factor. I don't know everything about Steven Crowder, nor if much of the rumors are true. But there was likely something that made Hilary think that he was not fit as a father.

Just a theory though.

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