
I do not want to be against having less car dependency and more walkable cities. The problem is that most of the advocates for these policies have a package deal of other politics that are naive leftist crap.

"[Mostly homogenous and high country] has better city design than in the US! We should be more like them." Which ignores that we have a diverse (and therefore low trust) society in the US. We cannot pretend that city planning will solve problems that come with diversity.

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Not just idealism at work, but also the additional laws and policies they advocate and vote for.

High taxes? Check.
Expansive welfare state? Check.
Gun control? Check.
LGBTABCDEFG crap? Check.
Other nanny state policies? Check.

Oh look, all shit I hate that you also want to have implemented. So when you make me choose between car dependent cities and walkable cities with a whole lot of other policies I hate, I will go with the former.

I forgot to mention crime, which no shock, these people also want to be soft on crime. No, your city planning policies will not fix crime (despite their claims) if you are not going to make sure to harshly punish these crimes.

Hey, maybe people do not want to worry that they are going to be beaten and/or mugged on public transit, so they would prefer to be safe in their own cars instead. Is that possible? Oh, you want to blame the symptoms for the problem rather than being soft on crime policy.

@houseoftolstoy @houseoftolstoy the "walkable city" meme feels like bullshit. you already dont need a car in the city. i live in the suburbs and havent owned a car in 10 years. i think its just people are just champagne socialist types who think public transportation is beneath them.
@PapaPole @houseoftolstoy i tend to forget that when westerners talk about "walkable cities" and "15 minute cities", they do NOT mean having all the necessities like a school, a pharmacy, a clinic/hospital, a convenience store and a kindergarten all within 5 minute walking range, they just mean a city they can ride a bicycle in and pretend as if they're saving the environment
@houseoftolstoy @lina @houseoftolstoy the only part im empathetic towards is i think there are places in cities where it can be pretty hard to get to a legitimate grocery store. they end up surviving on convenience store garbage instead.
@PapaPole @houseoftolstoy well i personally have both a convenience store with goyslop and crappy veggies and fruit and two proper stores with good fruit and veggies within walking range, PLUS a good shawarma spot right near the good fruit and veggies
this is the kinda shit i think the world needs more of but try convincing anyone on that
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