Great little clip circulating that shows you the future of governance: Informal hen’s networks of women playing follow-the-leader. Things have already worked like this for a long time, but women are going to be far and beyond the worst at bringing it into the workplace.

THIS is why you get mass banwaves for certain targets, where multiple platforms carry out coordinated strikes while their execs play dumb. It’s just fat broads texting each other behind the scenes. This is the kind of thing I wish we could cultivate, but we’ve ceded every battlefield of worth to her kind, and those of us who ARE in those trenches insist on playing by the rules (out of fear that the other side somehow honors their restraint)


@WashedOutGundamPilot This explains a lot, actually. While there may be some masterful planning on the broader scope of things with all the globohomo powers, it does not explain all the inconsistent and petty restrictions that were being put in place. But clips like this fill in the gaps. Sometimes, it is just a few harpies wanting to go on power trips that caused some bs restrictions. Though we should still not forget about those with more nefarious planning.

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@houseoftolstoy I think of it like a multilayered cult pyramid, where the top floors have no real faith in the tenets they write, but use their priestly caste to pull the strings of the true believers on the lower third of the structure.

In the past, when their liberal ideology was less prominent in their follower’s lives, the doublethink was easy to handwave. But now, the contradictions, the missteps, the constant “just this once” rulings are piling up and causing a lot of stress for an increasingly harried, psychotic, and medicated follower caste. Women like this are the dutiful true believers, and I foresee a lot of “ataxic governance” in our future, where the masters try to exert their will using people like her only to find they’re increasingly going off-book and ignoring orders when they cut against the holy faith.

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