For all pain that can come from seeing the ugly truth of reality, there is one positive benefit that comes from it. You will have already priced in a lot of bad events that may come, and will be less likely to be shocked as a result.

For those like me who are living in the US, we may find our standard of living go down with our and other governments going full retard on the world stage. But we will not be caught off guard nearly as much as the libtards who think the US is still on top.


Speaking of the libtards, they show just how quickly they abandon supposed principles in line with the narrative. They were those that previously were the biggest opponents of the US military industrial complex, but now whether they are aware of it or not, are the most ardent supporters of that institution. All it took was for the propaganda factories to talk about how "important" the Ukrainian "democracy" was and now they are all about the US being militarily supreme.

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I do not want to see WWIII, but I will not suffer great shock or despair if/when the US military forces finds themselves losing to the militaries of Russia and China. It turns out that you cannot contend well with a grandmaster when you are so used to beating your 5 year old nephew at chess. The US is in this exact state, where we do not realize just how out of practice we are at fighting someone who can properly fight back.

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