people are thinking about exactly what is entailed, and the "haha the system will nuke you" enjoyers are going to start having a bad time, soon.

@sickburnbro Let us say that all these idiots who are cheering for the military to take out the right wingers that they are so opposed to. Do they really think the outcome in the end would be good, even if they get their way?

Once a military starts attacking their own people, your country is going to start going down in terms of standard of living. Attacking and suppressing your own citizens does not yield high productivity. How many of these faggots would accept a lower standard of living?


@sickburnbro And that is the best case scenario, assuming they "win." This is not accounting for the losses on their side that would most certainly happen. Along with every other complication that will make things not go smoothly. You are not going to have a stable country, and everyone is going to suffer.

No matter who "wins," a civil war will be bad for anyone. Also, name one country that has martial law or the equivalent that is a thriving country.

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