people are thinking about exactly what is entailed, and the "haha the system will nuke you" enjoyers are going to start having a bad time, soon.

@sickburnbro Let us say that all these idiots who are cheering for the military to take out the right wingers that they are so opposed to. Do they really think the outcome in the end would be good, even if they get their way?

Once a military starts attacking their own people, your country is going to start going down in terms of standard of living. Attacking and suppressing your own citizens does not yield high productivity. How many of these faggots would accept a lower standard of living?

@houseoftolstoy @sickburnbro “actually it’s cool because every white guy we slaughter leaves one highly-paid technical job in water treatment, surgery, networking that can be taken over by a BIPOCP2S+MAP”


@WashedOutGundamPilot @sickburnbro I was not even accounting for that factor when talking about the lowering of standard of living. My topic was that people are less likely to give it 100% when their only motivation is "don't die." They tend to just work as hard as they need to not die. You know, like slaves.

But when you have complete retards taking over jobs that they really shouldn't be, then things get worse. I believe Jackson, Mississippi provides the perfect example of things to come.

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@houseoftolstoy @WashedOutGundamPilot what WOGP is saying is that their incentives align for them to do exactly this.

@sickburnbro @houseoftolstoy And it’s lost on them when normies tell them “if you kill us out, who’s gonna provide water and electricity?” They fully believe the fantasy that they could get rid of every competent white guy and continuity of services would remain thanks to brown folk walking into the now-vacent seats.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @houseoftolstoy right. they believe the managerialism theory. "the white guys have done all the hard work, now we just follow the organizational rules"
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