@WashedOutGundamPilot @nierenstein >It's so funny when easy women think having lots of sex makes them good at it.

I see projection at work on the women's part in cases like this. A woman may need a man to climb the learning curve to make her optimally satisfied, but for a man, it is quite easy for him to get pleasure out of sex, making "practice" for his sake mostly unnecessary. There might be some learning she can do to improve things, but it is really not all that critical.


@WashedOutGundamPilot @nierenstein And another thing, with the second post, a woman can get all the "practice" she needs with her husband. So the whore justification is not warranted. Rather, it is a post hoc rationalization in attempt to excuse her sleeping around.

Also, plenty of men are most likely not going to be receiving any benefit from her "experience," especially if she is unwilling to be enthusiastic in high enough frequency.

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I love ragging on women’s sex capabilities. It’s fun to say “ugh, you girls are HORRIBLE in bed, it’s a complete clown show”

So many skanks hang their hat on their imagined skill it just brutalizes their ego to have someone look at them, tsk, and say “yeah toots, I can tell from lookin’ atcha, you’re bad in bed”

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