
On my reconnaissance listening to the libtard propaganda outlet NPR, I heard something that sounded like good news. They were prefacing the reports on "the new strain" as not being as bad as previously thought by "the experts."

This is good news not because I take what government propaganda says at face value, but rather that maybe the powers that be are reconsidering their plans to try and do the lockdowns and mandates again. That is the good news, not the actual bullshit news itself.

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Since NPR has been a good barometer for whatever the government wants people to think (because it really just is the government itself, let's not kid ourselves with their supposed "independence"), I do see this as a "we are starting to back down at this point," and I will take any sign as a good one.

They can always push messaging to their midwit audience that "Covid is really bad guys!" once more, but they are at the very least hedging their bets for now.

@houseoftolstoy probably because some of the more “rational” Normies learned their lesson and is pushing back on the cathedrals bullshit. Except for the most die hard virtue signaling NPCs, it won’t work on the majority this time because of the increase in dissenting voices.

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