Doing my recon on state propaganda NPR, they are bringing up how "complicated" it is to figure out who and who does not need Covid "vaccines." Here's a simple answer that those faggots will not say: no one needs or should have them. And if you argue against that, I guess you can go ahead and get boosted. Because I cannot save you if the shots indeed are meant to kill or shorten your lifespan.


Another thing, I recall in the early days of the vaxx being released the pathetic psy-op that was "we are giving non-whites the shots first! You can wait in the back of the line to get your shot, whitey!"

Meanwhile, anyone who was already suspicious was not going to worry about who would get priority in taking that poison, but rather correctly assessed that there was no rush to get the clot shot. In the end, they wanted to force everyone to get the shot, so the theater was just stupid.

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What really gave it away was the same politicians who were against the "Trump vaccine" were suddenly onboard with the exact same mRNA bullshit once they secured power for themselves. Anyone who was properly paying attention should have caught on to the inconsistencies.

In fact, Trump supporters showed that they thought for themselves more than the "you're in a cult" faggots when they booed Trump for promoting the clot shot.


The NPR soy latte homos just want to say in hushed tones “it’s complicated…” so they don’t commit to any stance on the issue but still remain the authority to be able to say what’s right or wrong according to whatever fits their agenda in the moment.

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