@PordanJeterson Real talk, the top part of the image "being distinct species" is a whole lot of stupid bullshit. I am pretty sure that the African and Eurasian Golden Jackals could produce fertile offspring, making them NOT distinct species.
My guess is that the "distinct species" is a whole lot of agenda pushing of "scientists" who are of the Atheism+ variety who are overzealous about evolution.
@PordanJeterson >there are fertility problems occurring due to race mixing last i heard
Last I observed, there is a ton of people in Latin American countries that seem to be reproducing just fine despite the fact that many of the people there as a result of race mixing (at least from a long time ago when Spain was practicing colonialism).
Maybe that is just one example though.
@houseoftolstoy yeah, but that was just spaniards and just indigenous south american people, they basically created a new homogenous race, the mestizos, on the spot...the race mixing occurring in america is everyone from everywhere fucking everyone from everywhere else.