The whole Hamas attack on Israel should be considered another consequence of the declining American empire. I am going assume that members of Hamas and other groups are not uncritically accepting what Western news propaganda proclaims to be true (e.g. UKRAINE IS TOTALLY WINNING GUYS). They know the US is weak, and they figure now is the time to attack "OUR GREATEST ALLY" when we are less capable of helping them, considering the US military's current levels of incompetence.

I swear if the US sends troops to help Israel, I am going to be mad. Yeah, how many troops did our "greatest ally" send when our military was in Iraq and Afghanistan? So we should send just as many to them.

Though it might be another opportunity of embarrassment for our troops to fumble in being helpful, otherwise show that we are not the invincible force that the US government has been proclaiming. I guess we will see.

@houseoftolstoy Also all of the jew ngos funding the browning of our countries. Again you can imagine the outcry if we were to do the same to the yids.

@Heil_Honkler We hardly have to imagine. I have seen what happens when there is any mention of having open borders/immigration to Israel. Suddenly, that is a no go for many of the "fellow whites" who want majority white countries to have endless immigration.

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@houseoftolstoy @Heil_Honkler as the average man who drinks himself to death, why are they saying kill them all when hamas is a terrorist group. I mean im all for genocide but for people who claim to be opressed tbey really couldnt give a shit
@MasterSimper @houseoftolstoy >hamas
You are implying that israel is a legitimate state.
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