Choose your dream GF's minor shortcoming/curse:

- Perfect GF but she's always 5 years behind the memes (she recently discovered emperor trump and "seethe", in all respects it feels like she's JUST catching up to 2018)


- Girl who thinks she's super hot and adventurous, but only has missionary position/lights off sex 3x/week max (she will laugh as if anything more is physically impossible)

Either will share your perfect dream girl looks and form in all other respects
@WashedOutGundamPilot sorry tradcaths but once youve been with a girl who likes bondage and anal there is no return. the forbidden fruit is too sweet.

@PapaPole I truly do no understand how anyone likes anal. It’s like if tofu blocks cost $1,000 an ounce. If it weren’t so expensive (in terms of relationship trust) then you’d realize the flavor just sucks and the texture is trash. All that ‘fun’ is the psychological rush of the naughty, not actual pleasure

@WashedOutGundamPilot > If it weren’t so expensive (in terms of relationship trust)
i have often viewed much of the BDSM lifestyle as the relationship equivalent of trust exercises. its good for women to be as vulnerable as possible and learn you will take good care of them and not betray their trust.
>All that ‘fun’ is the psychological rush of the naughty, not actual pleasure
its definitely both. i think most of the distaste for anal is from people not doing it properly. she needs to clean herself out with an enema bulb and thoroughly lube up. if you think you can just dive in randomly and hope for the best youre going to have a very disgusting time and people who do that are either very stupid and/or irredeemable gross.

@PapaPole @WashedOutGundamPilot >she needs to clean herself out with an enema bulb and thoroughly lube up

That is nature's way of saying that you should not be doing that. Having sex the way God intended does not require all that extra preparation. And all the bleeding, incontinence, and AIDS is also God sending you a message saying "Don't do it."

Yes, the AIDS part is more a concern for the homosexuals, which shows that it is a bad idea.

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@PapaPole @houseoftolstoy The spoiler tag blacked out the pornography studio watermark and I genuinely thought this was the most un-fuckin-funny saturday night live sketch I’d ever seen

@PapaPole @houseoftolstoy I’ll click but I usually don’t watch vids. THey don’t work when I’m remote logged in.

But I watched that one b/c I misread an earlier post

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