
@Aether >has 100k in student loans

She is already a bad prospect because of this. A woman who takes on a ton of debt and is unable to pay it off is simply a liability in not just her debt, but her financial choices. That kind of debt is no accident. She either went to a way too expensive school and/or took out the max loans while refusing to work while doing college. And probably for some meme degree too.

The "debt-free" part of the "debt-free virgins without tattoos," very important.

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@Aether And while he may not be someone who should have marriage, I cannot blame him for looking at things as he does with our current system. Get government out of marriage entirely (or at least the bullshit divorce laws) and you can have marriage working as intended.

Ideally, you would trust the woman you want to marry. But there is no reason to give her a "get out of marriage with cash and prizes button" in the first place.

@houseoftolstoy @Aether This, OP message doesn't convey this but if it's this, I understand, like that other post about paternity test in France... depending on the place getting married is a trap not worth the trouble.
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