Anyone who says there's no evidence of fraud in a national election is simply wrong. 100%. Of course there's evidence of fraud. There was evidence of fraud in 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, and there will be evidence of fraud in 2024.

There will *always* be evidence of fraud as long as an election actually happened.

It's just too big of a thing for it to go completely smoothly.

If you have a measurement and it flat lines at exactly 0.000000000, that's often evidence that your measurement is wrong.

@sj_zero 2020 was a bit more of a special case, not only in the amount of fraud but how obvious it was. Having 4 swing states with 4:00 am ballot drops/updates while making sure that any observers they could kick out due to "covid restrictions" were kept from seeing anything.

I also recall in 2008 AL Franken having more votes "found" to win his senate race. So the fraud is definitely been a long running thing.

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